Garrote vil video real

Garrote vil, pepet i marieta

Un garrote o garrote vil (palabra española; las grafías alternativas incluyen garotte y variantes similares[1]) es un arma, normalmente una ligadura manual de cadena, cuerda, bufanda, alambre o hilo de pescar, utilizada para estrangular a una persona[2].

Un garrote puede estar hecho de muchos materiales diferentes, incluyendo cuerdas, telas, ataduras de cables, líneas de pesca, nylon, cuerdas de guitarra, cuerda de teléfono o cuerda de piano[2][3][4] Se puede utilizar un palo para apretar el garrote; la palabra española en realidad se refiere al palo en sí[cita requerida] En español, el término también puede referirse a una cuerda y un palo utilizados para constreñir un miembro como un dispositivo de tortura[2][5].

Desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el garrote ha sido empleado regularmente como arma por los soldados como medio silencioso para matar a los centinelas y otro personal enemigo[3][4] La instrucción en el uso de garrotes construidos e improvisados se incluye en el entrenamiento de muchas unidades militares de élite y fuerzas especiales. [4] Un garrote militar típico consiste en dos asas de madera unidas a un cable flexible; el cable se enrolla sobre la cabeza del centinela y se tira de él con un solo movimiento[3][4] Los soldados de la Legión Extranjera francesa han utilizado un tipo particular de garrote de doble lazo (conocido como la loupe), en el que se deja caer una doble bobina de cuerda o cordón alrededor del cuello de la víctima y se tira de ella. Aunque la víctima tire de una de las bobinas, sólo consigue tensar la otra[4].

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The case. chronicle of events. execution by garrote vil.

El Liberal»-, the executioner, under the pretext of his advanced age, expressed his desire to raise the stage during the day. When they tried to dissuade him, he replied that, if this was not done, he would refuse to work. In view of his attitude, his requests were granted and they began to raise the scaffold, with a group of infantrymen standing guard to avoid any eventuality». «The supreme moment «The day began badly and would end worse. Irigoyen was testing the garrotte before Chinchurreta’s arrival. Everything was ready, with the journalists and about a thousand neighbors concentrated in the Central Market square to witness the spectacle that «…».

El intermedio: usun yoon in fernando arrabal’s garrotte vil.

At nine o’clock sharp, Don Gregorio Mesquida -prison director- ordered the execution. José Moreno took the garrotte out of its wrapping. If he intended to operate the handle with both hands, which seemed obligatory, he had to have someone to hold it at the right height. Two prison officers were recruited as improvised assistants. Placed on both sides of the chair, they would hold the guides of the garrote «so that it would be straight and not move while I gave the crank».Nervous, Welzel was breathing heavily inside the cretonne. José Moreno Moreno cranked the handle. The artichoke quickly advanced to the back of the neck and stuck into the flesh. The hapless Welzel howled as he tried to sit up. The executioner pressed down with the device to prevent him. It became apparent that the contraption was not tight enough to break the prisoner’s neck.

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To complicate matters, one of the officials holding the device suffered a hissy fit. José Moreno Moreno blamed his incompetence on the inmate’s neck, which was too tight. Commander Muro put an end to his reasoning with a resounding slap in the face.

Death of the anarchist salvador puig antich by garrotte vil.

The mechanism of the «garrote», in its most evolved form, consisted of an iron collar pierced by a screw ending in a ball which, when turned, caused the victim’s neck to break. The death of the prisoner was caused by the dislocation of the odontoid process of the axis vertebra on the atlas in the cervical spine.

In the case of this method of execution, the adjective «vile» derives from the system of medieval estamental laws. For symbolic reasons, decapitation with a sword was considered a punishment reserved for members of the nobility; on the other hand, for the villains (inhabitants of the villages or members of the «plebs»), the «vulgar» execution by «garrote» (garrotazo) was maintained. Later, the execution by compression of the victim’s neck was applied, keeping the name.

The garrote, with its refinements, was instituted because hanging was considered excessively cruel, since the time to death was much longer. At the time when the garrotte was introduced, at the beginning of the 19th century, this argument proved to be valid. Subsequently, the English perfected the technique of hanging by long drop and hatch, which made this procedure the quickest and least cruel.[2]